I used to think I'd never end up with "film in the can" after my first digital camera. I used to have partially shot rolls of film that would sit in the camera so long, that sometimes I would forget what was on the film. In some ways I miss those days. Not knowing whether you hit the stops, stopped the action, or framed the subject just right. And in some ways, I miss the anticipation of sending the film off and having to wait a couple of days while you thought about the images and how they would return. (The all-time longest wasn't my camera. It was one of my mom's that sat in a closet for probably 20 years. When I realized the camera still had film in it I was hoping some long lost family gathering was captured on film. Maybe some or all of us on a holiday that was captured on film with only that camera. I had to go to a specialty film place because no one handled those style film cartridges anymore. When I got it back the only thing that was left were five badly discolored shots of the house when a tree fell on the roof.)
Well I'm now on my third space aged image maker, and for the first time I realized I had a bunch of pictures on the memory card that I had not looked at yet. So for the next couple of days I'm going to look back at the CUDA Club New Year's Day dive in the Tennessee River. (One I had to miss with a bit of a stomach bug nagging at me.)
There was the biggest crowd ever for a New Year's dive, and I think I remembered the pictures because I have a touch of cabin fever. I'd like it to warm up enough to enjoy a good long dive.
Today is going to have a gloomy feel to it, not helping anyone with c.f.. Another round of rain will move in this afternoon through tonight. But temps will still climb into the mid 50s today. Then after low clouds and some fog tomorrow morning, our skies should become partly cloudy Thursday afternoon with highs into the upper 50s. We should be around 60 with mostly sunny skies Friday afternoon. Upper 50s to near 60 again on Saturday. Daytime highs slip into the upper 40s to near 50 on Sunday, and into the mid 40s on Monday. Not really warm, but compared to the last 2 weekends it's at least heading in the right direction.