These shots were taken on Saturday March 8th, 2008. At the time these guys were shooting the rapids on Suck Creek, light snow was falling. If you look closely, you'll see some whiteness to the ground in the pictures. I'm guessing the water temperature was in the 40s, but it may have been colder than than. When asked the kayakers merely said, "It's cold." I'm told they were attempting to set a record for the most vertical feet kayaked in a single day. The record is somewhere around one mile, they were going to the top of Suck Creek and paddling down to near the Tennessee River which is a drop of 900 feet. The trip down takes about 20 minutes to complete. Then they would load the kayaks in a small truck for the trip back to the top. They began their quest for the record shortly after sunrise. I don't know if they made it or not. Certainly it would be a challenging record to achieve under these weather conditions. The water looked very blue and I liked the bright kayak colors against the snowy background.
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