Thursday, September 02, 2010

Walnut Street Bridge Pet Friendly Again

The Walnut Street Bridge recently reopened as a pet-friendly bridge and I'm really glad. There's a marked pet lane and several doggie-doo stations with bags along the route. For some reason, Dudley seems a little bit afraid of bridges. He doesn't mind the Walnut Street Bridge which is broad and solid enough for his liking. But he doesn't like smaller bridges over creeks. He will scramble across a large log across a creek without any problems though. But you have to practically carry him across swinging bridges. The weather was particularly hot on the day this shot was taken. Even though it was a relatively short walk, with an ice cream break in the middle, (Yes, he got his own small bowl of ice cream. He is pretty spoiled.) I think he was glad to get back in the air-conditioned car.