Thanks this morning to Hayden Poe of Mowbray Mountain for sending this picture of a hornets nest. The folklore holds that the lower the nest is to the ground the worse the winter will be. You might remember my post from last year when I had one in my yard that was literally on the ground, and I found it the hard way. We ended up with a couple of snows at Casa Benson last year, one that added up to 5 inches. So I'd say my hornets were right. (Although after getting stung multiple times, they were dead right.) Hayden's looks to "bee" about halfway up a tree. So are they saying this will be a halfway cold and snowy winter. Could be? I'm not going to invest too much in folklore, but with the first half of winter starting out very mild a sharp drop or two is probably to be expected. We'll see. Here's how it looks in the short term, and although it's an old saying, these temperatures are "the bees knees."
Today: Sunny & Pleasant. South 5 High: 59
Tonight: Partly cloudy, chilly. Calm wind. Low: 39
Thursday: Clouds Increase, rain moves in Thursday evening. SW 5-10 High: 60
Thursday Night: Rainy, cool. Low: 53
Friday: Rainy periods, a few rumbles of thunder possible. High: 63
Saturday: Clouds and sun, showers Saturday night. High: 67 Low: 45
Sunday: Showery and cooler. High: 56 Low: 41
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