Trashy Thoughts. Cloudy Weather Kinda Nice.

- It takes an apple core 2 months to decompose.
- It takes 50 years for a stryrofoam cup to decompose.
- It takes 200 years for an aluminum can to decompose.
- It takes a plastic bottle 450 years to decompose.
- It takes monofilament line 600 years to decompose.
So it's safe to say there were thousands of years worth of garbage pulled out of the Chickamauga Dam area in just a couple of hours.
What a great day today. I know, most people would like to see sunshine on a Saturday. Me too most Saturdays. But today was spent working around the house. Hedges are all trimmed, clippings raked up and hauled away. Low hanging branches cut out of the way. And most importantly, the gutters are now clean. This job is best done on a cloudy day when the roof isn't 600 degrees. So I was appreciating the cloud cover and 62 degree air while scooping piles of maple tree seeds out of the absolutely full gutters. For whatever reason, this has been one of the best years for "helicopters" I can remember.
Now when it rains tomorrow, the water will go down the pipe rather than over the top like it did last week.
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