Click on this picture to see the full sized version and you'll see Batman making his world wide web debut. And batgirl is also in the picture. Sunday afternoon I could hear them chattering at each other, so I grabbed the camera to get some shots of my living barometer. For those who don't know, batman has been living in the vent near the roof of the garage for years. There's a screen on the inside so he can't actually get into the garage, but apparently it's a great place to hang out. In the Spring if it gets warm and stays warm, batman returns. In the Fall if it gets cold and is going to stay cold, batman heads back to whatever cave he winters in. So far we have had a couple of brief chilly snaps, but nothing sustained. And batman is still there. So I'm curious whether his stay in the garage is triggered by the length of day, or maybe his food source drying up. If it's a freeze that kills off whatever insects he feasts on, then his retreat makes perfect sense. I may never know for sure. But I have enjoyed watching him and watching the weather that sends my batty little barometer on his seasonal migration.
The big question I have is how long will we stay unseasonably warm? In the Spring and Fall when you see a big upswing in temperatures, there's usually a big drop down the road. And if the models have the right idea this morning, a big dip in the jetstream may form from the plains into the Tennessee Valley sometime around the 18th of October. Obviously that's in the arena of pure speculation weather-wise, but it will be something to watch since the short term is not that interesting right now. (Will it be the chill that sends batman heading for the hills?)
Today: Mostly sunny and warm. High: 85
Tonight: Fair and cool. Low: 56
Wednesday: Mostly sunny and warm again. High: 86
Thursday: Partly cloudy and warm with a 30% chance for a shower or storm from afternoon into Thursday evening. High: 81
Friday: Mostly sunny and a bit cooler. High: 75
Saturday: Sunny and pleasant. High: 76
Sunday: Mostly sunny. High: 77
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