Cooling Off At The Passage, Cool Front Passage Ahead

By the way, heat exhaustion is actually MORE likely after a few days of a heat wave than on the first hot day. Why? Because as you lose fluids and salts you may not be replacing them in a balanced way. So the cumulative effect takes a toll on the body. Folks suffering from heat exhaustion may experience dizziness, weakness, and a body temperature rise. It's simply best to just hydrate and take it a little bit easier for the next few days.
Today: Mostly sunny, hot & humid. Light south wind. Highs near 96.
Tonight: Fair, warm and muggy. Low: 72
Wednesday: Hazy, Hot and Humid. Southeast wind 5. Highs near 97.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, hot and humid. Highs near 95.
Friday: Partly cloudy with a 20% chance for an afternoon storm. Highs near 95.
Saturday: Partly cloudy with a 30% chance for some scattered storms. Highs down to around 90.
July is National Ice Cream Month as designated in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan. The third Sunday of the month is supposed to be National Ice Cream Day. But hey, why waste a hot streak by limiting yourself to one dipping day? And what about August? I bring this up because I was just reading online about the eel-like Pout Fish. (Want to see one? Click here: ) Apparently these critters live in the deep cold waters of the North Atlantic, and are able to do so because of a special protein in their blood. And guess what? Ice cream makers are using a synthesized version of this protein to make our favorite cold treat. Yeah....the eel protein ice cream has half the fat and 30% fewer calories than normal ice cream. Good and good for you. Now if they can only do something about the chocolate syrup that I tend to soak my scoops in we'd be all set!
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