Glad(den) To Visit & Learn

On my way out the door Gladden's principal Dr. Maria Bradley asked if I had some time to take a little tour. Dr. Bradley is very proud of what's going on at her school and she should be. For example, she showed me the classrooms with white boards. This is the kind of technology I dreamed of as a kid. I was hooked on "The Jetsons", and white boards are something Elroy Jetson would be using. Basically what looks like a dry erase board has a computer screen projected onto it. And the teacher or student's finger is the mouse. It's amazing. And they can also take quizzes with remote controls. The results are displayed like the poll the audience segment on "Who wants to be a millionaire?". I decided I was born 40 years too late.
But they also have another bragging point at Gladden. Their steel band pictured above. They sound great and the students even let me play along on one number.
One of the things we talked about at Gladden was tropical weather and how busy this amazing hurricane season has been. This morning "Tammy's" remnants continue to soak the area, but for the most part it's a gentle soaking.
Our skywatcher in Varnell, Ga has picked up 1.8" so far. But just .31" so far here at Channel 3.
Rainfall will be with us periodically today, shutting off tonight. Then our weather turns cool and breezy into the weekend. I expect to see mostly cloudy skies Saturday with temps only making the mid and upper 60s across the area. Chilly Sunday morning with lows from 45 to 52 depending on elevation. Then fair to partly cloudy Sunday afternoon with highs in the upper 60s to lower 70s.
Have a great weekend!
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