
These two images are from NOAA. The one on the top is "Rita" as a Category 5, the bottom image is "Katrina" as a Category 5. This is the first time in history there have been two category 5 hurricanes in the same year. The term jaw dropping as been used several times to describe the rapid strengthening of "Rita" in the past 24 hours.
By now you have probably heard "Rita" has made the record books in another way, the 3rd lowest pressure in the Atlantic basin.
- 888 mb "Gilbert" in 1988
- 892 mb "Labor Day Hurricane" in 1935
- 897 mb "Rita" in 2005
- 899 mb "Allen" in 1980
- 902 mb "Katrina" in 2005
I spoke to my brother yesterday. He's a cool customer. When I asked how he was doing he said, "Well I'm just enjoying a nice sunny day." Actually he was boarding up. And then he was going to help his neighbor board up. They are heading out sometime today, bound for an area southwest of San Antonio. My niece and her daughter are heading up I-45. It's inland and hopefully far enough away, but I'm concerned. I'm praying when this thing is through their homes will be safe. But there will be a lot of people suffering.
It's strange, but just the other day someone from Florida e-mailed asking about Chattanooga's weather. The e-mailer is moving here. I responded by saying we are blessed with a lot of great weather. And while we have our bouts with severe weather and flooding, those events are relatively small potatoes. Fortunately we don't have the threat of a "Jaw-Dropping" hurricane hanging over our heads.
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