Monday, December 12, 2005

Sweater Weather....Indoors

Saturday morning I got up early and took a short walk through the back yard out into the trees behind the house. The ground and chopped up leaves have been wet recently so there was a distinct crunching coming from beneath my feet. Not the soft, muffled crunch that comes from a mid-Fall walk in the woods. No, this was the harsh crunch that comes from several hours when the night air drops into the teens. Later as I was walking Dudley, I was amused at his footfalls in the leaves. His prancing tapped out a staccato rhythm that was different from the swishing sound leaves make when they're not frozen.
We normally don't run the heat that high in the house, but lately it's felt extra chilly inside. So it's been sweater weather indoors. (Although to be honest it's really sweatshirts.) And it really has been cold so far this month.
Daytime highs in December have been below average 10 of the first 11 days.
We have had 8 days 7 degrees or colder than average.
And I don't see us above average this week. We'll stay dry today and tomorrow with highs 48 to 50. Tomorrow morning will be frosty across the area with lows in the 22 to 28 degree range. Two systems join forces to create wet weather here Wednesday afternoon through at least the first half of Thursday. But things should dry out again on Friday.
Things could be worse though. Chicago Illinois has only had 2 hours this month above 32. Which makes me wonder how much corn my brother is going through these days. He has a corn burning furnace to help heat his home. If it's cheap enough, this year he might consider converting his garage into a corn crib.


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