Danger! Parrot-Sharks!

Everything was going great until the morning she got ahead of me.
She kicked out into the water about 10 yards before I got in, and by the time I was 10 yards out she was kicking back in as hard as she could. At first I thought she might strike the beach, kick across the island, swim across the Gulf, hit land and stroke all the way back home. Her eyes were wide and full of fear. And as soon as they locked on me she was frantically pointing over her shoulder. It was obvious something was out there.
I knew we weren't in any real danger, but we had seen a number of juvenile barracudas. Maybe she had seen an adult.
And then there they were. Four of the biggest and most beautiful parrotfish you could ever see. The largest was about 4 feet long.
It only took a few moments to calm Sandie down and convince her that these sea monsters were only interested in crunching on coral and not her. Through my snorkle I was able to tell her, "Listen to them eating." And for awhile our world consisted of floating motionless listening to the rasp, rasp, rasp of Sandie's parrot-sharks terrorizing coral polyps.
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